Always Ready

Recently, adapting to changes in workflow from Covid-19 has become a primary concern for most businesses. This makes it easy to overlook other outside threats to your business. Hurricane season in Florida starts today, June 1st. It is important to have plans in place before a hurricane to allow yourself to react in a timely manner. Integrity Billing has already begun reviewing disaster preparedness plans, preparation procedures and materials for the event of a hurricane.
Over the past few years Integrity Billing has continuously improved and adapted our procedures. However, no matter how concrete your plan is reviewing last year’s plan is always a necessity. Technology, vendors, and account managers change. Staff changes and promotions can change the way information and processes are delegated. Changes in technology and service features may impact former remote work plans.
Our pre hurricane season review includes:
• Reviewing all contact information for staff, vendors, and clients
• Reviewing pathways of communication for distributing information among the staff
• Assigning people to individual tasks related to greater parts of the plan
• Reviewing local evacuation procedures and zones to keep the staff updated
• Reviewing procedures to secure phones, computers, and servers from possible flooding or water damage
• Create a list of materials needed in the event of a hurricane
• Reviewing remote workers limited capabilities with loss of infrastructure
Having adequate plans in place safeguards and protects Integrity Billing so it can continue to operate no matter what is thrown at us. We dot our i’s and cross our t’s to ensure we continue providing the services our treatment centers need to save lives.